Siamo giunte alla conclusione del nostro Intercapitolo e dal cuore sale il ringraziamento e la lode per quanto il Signore ci ha permesso di vivere in queste giornate di grazia, accompagnandoci con la sua benevolenza e aiutandoci a superare, nella pace, anche qualche “imprevisto, soprattutto di salute. Continue reading
Category Archives: Documents
Homily of Father Ulysses Navarro ssp
18 settembre 2016
We live in a time where information has become very accessible. What were once confined within the walls of a library have now been opened and freed by internet technology. What was once an expensive international phone call can now be done for just a few coins. Digital publications have made it possible for me to carry a hundreds books, saved in this small device. Now more than ever, people are constantly accessing information — whenever and wherever they need them. If Alberione were alive today, he would be certainly thrilled to see how information travels a million times faster than the fastest Frecciarossa train. Continue reading
Omelia di don Joven J. Lagdamen ssp
Quando credi… (16 settembre)
La mia riflessione e preghiera sulle letture di oggi mi ha fatto intravedere quanto sia importante CREDERE.
Nel brano tratto dalla prima lettera ai Corinzi, san Paolo presenta un’argomentazione per convincere la gente circa la risurrezione. Continue reading
Omelia di don Vittorio Stesuri ssp
Esaltazione della croce (14 settembre)
Croce esaltata e croce adorata con infinita riconoscenza e amore per Colui che ha dato e dà la vita per noi. Questa festa nata storicamente con il ritrovamento della Croce di Gesù a Gerusalemme e la costruzione, sul luogo della Passione, della Basilica, fatta da Costantino, ci spinge ogni anno alla contemplazione del mistero che da essa promana. Continue reading
Paul: The Mystical Apostle
Problems arise when interpreting the term mystic. On the level of research, the term was studied more profoundly by Lutheran theologian Albert Schweitzer, whose book, The Mystical Life of the Apostle Paul, was recently translated into Italian. In it, he says: “According to its basic nature, the Pauline spirituality is mystical. Continue reading
Fr. Alberione’s Pedagogy of Integrality: The “Four Wheels”
The theme I would like to present to you at this Seminar is the image of the “four wheels.” In the pedagogy of integrality, this picture is very familiar to us. From the time we entered the Pauline Family, we have always found the four wheels in every sphere of our life–a sign that it is a method that is lived and put into practice. Continue reading
Mary: icon of integrality
The Holy Spirit forms the flesh of the Son of God in the womb of a woman and generates the Church in the womb of the Cenacle in Jerusalem. Each time the Third Person of the Trinity gives life to something new, Mary is present. Continue reading
The sources of inspiration for alberione’s concept of integrality
Let us take as our starting point a fundamental historical observation: there is not just one model of integrality but as many models as there are priests in the Church. Continue reading
The Word place of unity: Martha and Mary / Mary of Nazareth
How can we reread the story of Martha and Mary (Lk. 10:38-42) from the perspective of apostolic mysticism? This episode, recounted only by Luke, has been interpreted in different ways, which often place the two sisters in opposition to each other: Martha as an example of the active life, and Mary of the contemplative life. But the question seems to be more radical. Continue reading
Omelia di don Stefano Stimamiglio ssp
Mercoledì della XXIII settimana (7 settembre 2016)
«Crediamo e perciò comunichiamo». Solo il fuoco che accende il cuore e che apre la strada alla fede nel Risorto ci permette di riversare la nostra gioia sul mondo attraverso il carisma datoci in eredità. Continue reading