Author: sr Teresa

Information Summary 3

Dearest Sisters,

We conclude the Interchapter with a profound feeling of gratitude to the Lord who guided us. We also want to thank all of you for affectionately accompanying us with your prayers.

During the last 4 days of our meeting, we focused on determining our priority and some concrete ways to continue our journey toward the 11th General Chapter, seeking to adapt our rhythm of life to the needs of our communities. Continue reading »

Adorazione eucaristica a conclusione dell’Intercapitolo

… O Gesù, trasformarmi in te, come san Paolo; vivit in me Christus: possedere la tua sapienza
come san Paolo mi raccomanda; o Gesù, tu hai sete di anime, ed io voglio ardere di zelo, come
san Paolo essere tutto infuocato del tuo amore, divorato da esso.
Beato Timoteo Giaccardo, 1917


«L’amore del Cristo ci spinge, ci possiede»

Canto di adorazione: Adoramus te Domine…

G. È bello concludere, davanti a Gesù Eucaristia, queste giornate di grazia. Il Maestro Eucaristico è la fonte della vita paolina. Siamo nate nell’eucaristia per divenire eucaristia, pane spezzato per la vita di molti. E, dall’eucaristia, il Maestro ripete a ognuna di noi: «Venite a me…». «Andate…». «Io mando su di voi colui che il Padre mio ha promesso».
Rimaniamo in adorazione e lasciamo che dal nostro cuore esploda il grazie per la ricchezza dei doni che il Signore effonde continuamente sulla Chiesa, sulla Congregazione, sulla Famiglia Paolina. Continue reading »


sr Anna Maria ParenzanSuperiora generale

Siamo giunte alla conclusione del nostro Intercapitolo e dal cuore sale il ringraziamento e la lode per quanto il Signore ci ha permesso di vivere in queste giornate di grazia, accompagnandoci con la sua benevolenza e aiutandoci a superare, nella pace, anche qualche “imprevisto, soprattutto di salute. Continue reading »

Homily of Father Ulysses Navarro ssp

18 settembre 2016

We live in a time where information has become very accessible. What were once confined within the walls of a library have now been opened and freed by internet technology. What was once an expensive international phone call can now be done for just a few coins. Digital publications have made it possible for me to carry a hundreds books, saved in this small device. Now more than ever, people are constantly accessing information — whenever and wherever they need them. If Alberione were alive today, he would be certainly thrilled to see how information travels a million times faster than the fastest Frecciarossa train. Continue reading »

News Flash 18 September

In these last days of our work, we are experiencing the truth of the Latin dictum Motus in fine velocior (The journey gets faster toward the end). In fact, things are moving ahead rapidly because we don’t want to find ourselves without enough time to deal with the important matters needed to conclude this Meeting well. Continue reading »

News Flash 17 September

The Word, which the Liturgy offers us every day, continues to accompany us in a very effective and surprising way, recalling us to the foundations our apostolic vocation, as Fr.Valdir Castro, Superior General of the SSP, reminded us in his sermon this morning. To our great surprise, he came to the house this morning to concelebrate the Liturgy with the Pauline priest who is providing this service for us. In his homily, Fr. Valdir focused on the theme of our Interchapter Meeting, Continue reading »

News Flash 16 September

Collaboration on the continental level: is it just a dream? Or is it a value that offers us the chance to grow? These are the two questions we focused on today in our group work as we evaluated our efforts in this area. In the last few years, our circumscriptions have made some progress in collaboration in the spheres of the apostolate and formation, and have experienced how beneficial it is to be open to the sisters of the same continent and get to know them better. Continue reading »