News Flash 6 September

Today we began the stage of our meeting dedicated to getting to know our situation. Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik, sj, opened the day with a sapiential examination of the historico-ecclesial context in which we live. This context, he said, urges religious to courageously adopt a contemplative mentality, that is, a more authentically Christian, Eucharistic, communional and symbolic way of thinking.

In our times, Fr. Rupnik underscored, primacy must be given to life and to revealing a new way of existing. Consequently, it is necessary to avoid falling into the trap of intrusive individualism, which makes fraternal living together, apostolic effectiveness and testimony impossible. We must be open new life–the life of Christ, that of divine communion, which is manifested through filial and fraternal love, and through living and acting in a way that reflects the love of the Trinity.

The vocation of woman, he concluded, is that of physical and spiritual maternity. As women apostles, we are called, as mothers, to communicate Life to wounded humanity.

Foto 6 settembre